Can I Save for Retirement AND College?
Yes - you can save for Retirement and College at the same time!
Yes - you can save for Retirement and College at the same time!
Establish a plan and goals to get your savings on track so you can get where you want to be in retirement. Not just retirement in the traditional sense, but Financial Independence. Living the lifestyle you want balanced with adequately saving for the future.
A comprehensive Financial Plan can address any concerns and answer your questions about your financial future - and ultimately set your mind at ease.
Step one is to take action. My hope is that you move your personal finances up the To Do list. Act with a sense of urgency – at least to know where things stand today. Let me encourage you to save NOW for retirement. You need to know your savings rate and have a plan. All the Personal Services we offer are geared toward this.
Do you have a backup plan if your Target Retirement funds fall short? After all, these funds aren’t specific to you. They don’t know your goals and dreams. Are you willing to save more money, work more years, or sacrifice other goals?
For college planning use a 529 at a reputable broker unless the tax benefits you get from your state are meaningful. Keep your costs low, your investment plan simple and your contributions regular.